Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013


Short Story Rosidi
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It's still early . New sunshine while getting out of the contest. Clock in my hand is still showing at seven ten minutes . My swing your legs pedaling a bicycle around the village . A small village in the district of saints . Japan . Thus the name of the village . The village where I was born and building dreams .
I also footpaths . My eyes glanced to the left and right of the road in turn. "It's been a lot has changed , compared to five years ago , when I was living here , " I thought.

Ring road majors Surabaya - Semarang who had often made the track - trekan motorcycles , has unveiled four years ago . The trucks and buses seem crowded past . Some houses still look new , and some have not been fully completed , it seems .
Two fairly large building on the left - the right way , look . The one , made ​​warranty trucking fleets . The other is not yet clear . Some say want to be a hotel . Yet another news spread , about to be a hospital .
I do not really care about those changes . " Naturally, a period of change , " I thought.
Until finally I crossed the paddy fields. Seen people busy printing bricks with shipyard ( 1 ) lined but nearby . wrinkled my forehead . My memory is dreamy , reminiscing six years ago , where I was also a part of them .
Not far from there , there is a river that is not so great . The water also was not clear when I was little . I was looking for a rock to rest while watching the activities of bricklayers .
Every dry season , there are many people in my village are made ​​of bricks . Well , what else would work . Find hard work . Want to become civil servants exorbitant capital .
Last three years alone , a neighbor who works in a government agency , had issued 30 million dollars . He said to admisitrasi affairs . Another neighbor , who is now the police , he issued 35 million more to be accepted . Even his brother , said rumors , out of 50 million .
Yes. Instead of being civil servants who have to spend tens of millions of dollars . Work on the plant alone , if no relation , had to wait for the sky to welcome work wonders .
Thus , membembuat bricks as a last resort that should be accepted with sincerity . Because most of them low education . Just graduated from junior high school . At best , until high school or Madrasah Aliyah ( MA ) .
Never hard to imagine a brick maker . Because they have to get up early . Discharged dawn , after prayers , they must leave immediately , so that print jobs: brick , finished before the hot sun sting .
Couple of them scored stone . One charge of printing . Other one being a conductor ( 2 ) . Kenek duty ngecroh ( 3 ) in order to smooth mud , then carried by ekrak ( 4 ) , placed next to the printer , new print . And so on , until the mud has been put up in the afternoon , exhausted .
After scoring , they go home . Break . Noon , after midday , they go back to the rice fields to Kesik ( 5 ) . Dikesik exhausted , bricks laid out neatly on the dock to dry and could soon dilangsir ( 6 ) to the warehouse .
The next task is nggebal ( 7 ) . Results gebalan drenched with water . Allowing for a moment , so that the water settles and evenly . After that dikecroh together until two or three times , so that the next day , conductor in charge ngecroh also lightweight and fast printing was completed .
So every day flurry of brick -makers .

Actually nothing special in my village . Unless there is only one mosque relics of saints, which it was not known for certain who the founder of the mosque 's trustees . Only the mosque gate similar to one of the tower gate Holy Mosque , which makes us the villagers believe that the mosque is a relic guardian .
Occasionally, there is also a tourist and archaeological heritage experts to drive a car or bus , came to observe the mosque building is getting old .
But there is one more interesting to me . Not an ancient relic . Nor antiques to sell expensive . But one young man making bricks .
Ngadikan . Once the young man's name . Nothing special about him . Not much different from the lads in general . Born from a very simple family . He also did not include young people who are religious . Although sometimes also call to prayer in the mosque near his home and participate in madrasahs or Koran recitation at home Habib Hasan al - Bunumay . Habib from Surabaya who had for some time lived in my village .
But for me , it was a remarkable figure of youth . A young man , who , with limited knowledge and skills , dare to bear the burden of family life . That's what forced my brain nerves admire .
Sometimes , he also drifted socially with his friends . Wandering aimlessly , and drink liquor . Although , it was not until they made them addicted .
But do not know why there is magnetic force as admired . Admired the young man 's brick makers .
Actually he used during school classmate MI ( 8 ) . Age of ten years , he has left mbok Here , mother , facing the Almighty . At that time we were still in fourth grade .
MI graduated , I went to school in TBS ( 9 ) . One of the schools under the auspices of the Foundation Arwaniyah , a family-owned foundation KH . Arwani Amin . One of charismatic clerics in Holy . He still descendants of Prince Diponegoro . Hut , Yanbu'ul Qur'an , known to the public as a printer penghafal Qur'an .
're Ngadikan , my friend , do not continue school because his parents could not afford . He then helped Mbah Paijan , Father , scored brick in the fields.
Yes. Since childhood , MI school since graduating , he has worked as a maker of stones . Until now , it still remains dilakoninya job . He did not even intend to try to apply for jobs in factories . " Not PD , " he said . Because only a diploma diplomas MI .
From year to year , up to the age of twenty- six now , he remains faithful to his work as a printer of bricks . From there , and some of the rice field owned by his father , he hung his life with his Father and Mami , sister mere puppet .
Two brothers had been married . Sumano , fitting her sister , married to a woman her homeland . While Slamet , the oldest sister , married to a woman from Grobogan , blood descendants are still there with his family .
Seven years, it was not a good time long , though also not a short time .
Not felt , I 've graduated from the MA TBS , where I learned about this world . Learn to recognize the good and the bad . Learned that respecting someone is not because wealth and position , but because science and morals . And also , learn about the wisdoms of ancient people through a variety of yellow book .
Skeolah graduated , I was unemployed . Finally, it was offered to learn to make bricks . Arwan , my best friend who is like a brother , who first introduced me to the work of making bricks . Until finally he bought a Colt and a driver working .
After the Arwan , I joined work with Ngadikan . He is scoring and I became conductor .
From this beginning emerged admiration . At that time , three months before the wedding is his younger sister . By default , many families need the money to pay for her sister's wedding . And for that , he stood in front of and bear the cost of the wedding that her younger sister was mere puppet .
He toiled day and night for the sake of his brother , to the point of forgetting his own health . Go to the fields early in the morning and come home in the afternoon . In fact, not infrequently , we must return to late night , to quickly get a lot of bricks , so it can quickly be open and sell it .
About three weeks once he shunt bricks to the barn and burned them in an open manner ( 10 ) . Once cooked , he sold the bricks to basket baskets are often passed in the warehouse . He collected the money from the sale of the bricks , for the purposes of her sister's wedding ceremony .
Two months before her sister's wedding , he is still busy with his work . Tall, thin stature , it looks more emaciated . His eyes are also a little further inside , because of lack of sleep and a lot of thinking .
The third month , entered her sister's wedding day , it is getting harder to work with . Three days before the wedding her sister 's wedding , we break helped prepare everything for the wedding. Unfortunately, the day before the wedding , he was exposed to a very high fever .
The perewang who helped prepare the wedding ceremony of his younger brother , was sorry to see his condition . So even I , who often stayed with him at the hospital .
But behind that compassion and pity , terseruak feeling proud to see my friend who fought hard for Dad and sister . Although for that , he got sick in the moments that should have been happy . Saw her sister sitting in the aisle . Being a bride to continue the life rope .
But compassion can not hide I see him lying sick on his green-painted iron bale . That is not how thick cloth , wrap body wrap kerempengnya . I pressed the head and shoulders . " It's hot body , " I thought.
In my heart I prayed : " Lord, give happiness for the sacrifices he had made. Happiness he deserves for what he has done for his devotion to his Father , and the sacrifice to bear the burden of the family to marry his sister .
" Heh ! " Sound of someone who had interrupted my thoughts so I know . I turned to look back. There has been established a body which is already very familiar to me : Ngadikan .
" Again ngopo ? When turning songko Semarang , "he asked .
" Songko ngendi ? ' I asked.
" Behind nyitak " he answered .
" Dolan ning omahku . Do not wait , yo , "she said as she passed before I could answer " yes " .
1 ) . shipyard :
leveled ground to arrange the bricks have dikesik
2 ) . conductor :
not a truck or a bus conductor . But the brick makers in charge of smoothing the mud continues to carry the printer sideways bricks .
3 ) . Ngecroh :
smooth land will be molded into bricks with a hoe , after flushing with water .
4 ) . Ekrak :
tool to take out the garbage . But for the brick makers in my village , is also used to lift the sludge that will be molded into bricks . Ekrak given two ropes and fitted with wood to bear .
5 ) . Kesik :
smoothed results brick mold with a knife , after which it laid out in the shipyard .
6 ) . Dilangsir : transported .
7 ) . Nggebal :
mancangkul thin soil , so when given the rapid water soluble or pervasive . So if mashed ( dikecroh ) was cepet .
8 ) . MI : Madrasah Islamic elementary ( primary level )
9 ) . TBS : Tasywiquth Thullab Salafi . Madrasah in the Holy One . Founded by the Kyai in the Holy in 1928 . In the history of education in Indonesia , TBS is also known by the name Tasywiquth Thullab School in the Dutch period , because of concerns about the existence of Madrasah , Islamic smelled so schools should be closed and muzzled . KH discretion . Djalil , one who had served as Kyai NU Katib then given frills " School " on the back , to be safe and not closed the Netherlands .
10 ) . Mengopen : burning dried bricks so ripe ( red ) .

When Purnama began to fissure
Pensions " Prodeo " Ngaliyan , October 2005

This short story published in the anthology " Age Opera " , which was published with my work Grafindo Litera Media Publisher , Yogyakarta , Merapi Communities and Community Interminable Terminal Three .

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